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COVID-19: How are you doing?

Still Alive

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So, with this COVID-19 (a.k.a. coronavirus) pandemic still very much a presence in our lives, how are you guys all handling the situation? Are you self-isolating? Socially distancing? Working? Not working? Let us know how you are! Let's support each other in this strange time!

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I have been fortunate to work from home. I know many people who are struggling at this time. And I used to be unemployed back in fall of 2019; so I feel very fortunate. I work from home, and it's been an adjustment for sure. New York area was hit pretty hard, it's very condense area.

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me and my elderly mum are both still shielding at home. We are both venerable.  I still feel it is the best policy regardless of what the UK Government are saying with opening up all shops and things. To be honest things have been very hard for us with getting everyday things like food. You take being able to go outside for as a given until it gets taken away from you. For me it has not been so hard as I always find things to watch and I like my own company but in general it has been a worrying time we are still here which is a positive I guess. Just thought I would pop in as had not been online here for a while? Has the SB eps password changed as the one I have does not seem to work? would allow me me to forget about things for a bit seeing SB for a bit. 


I hope you are all well 

many kind regards



Edited by Greasy Gregory Richards
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